Tips and Helpful Information


Stay informed:


  • Sign up to receive the West Mercer Wolf Newsletter.  Contains information that helps new families and incoming kindergartners stay connected.  The most up to date information on school events, deadlines, first day of school readiness, and extracurricular activities.
  • Sign Up for Flash Alerts - Information on school outages and other emergencies will be posted to the Public Schools Emergency Communication System by 5:30am by Mercer Island’s Superintendent. Sign up for Mercer Island School District emergency notifications at FlashAlert.



I Wish Someone Had Told Me…


  • Transportation. To receive bus service in 2023-24 all families must sign up regardless of whether they had bus service last year or not.  Families need to use the Parent Portal and Bus Quest App to sign up for transportation to and from school or to before and after-school programs at the Stroum Jewish Community Center or the Mercer Island Boys & Girls Club. Detailed instructions on using the Parent Portal and Bus Quest App to sign up for transportation.
  • Snacks. Pack a healthy snack and water bottle for your child to eat during a time designated by his/her teacher in the morning.
  • Lunch.  Your child has the option of bringing lunch from home or purchasing hot lunch.  Refer to the district webpage for setting up your student's lunch account - link can be found here.  Your child will receive a debit card that is kept at school. Skyward will send you an email when more money needs to be added to your child’s account. Lunch menus are posted on the district website. Each day your child’s teacher will ask each student if he/she brought lunch from home or is buying lunch. 
  • Wednesdays are early release days. Children are released from school at 2:05 p.m. Bus drop-off times are adjusted.
  • The district calendar can be found here.
  • Absences. The school has an absentee hotline that you must call if your child is going to be absent.  206-236-3434