The West Mercer WOLF newsletter is the school newsletter published by the West Mercer PTSA. THE WOLF communicates information about current events, news and activities around the school, as well as community and district events relevant to our kids and parents.
To subscribe to the WOLF subscribe here. Parent email addresses from the Skyward system will be used as the initial distribution list for Membership Toolkit communication. Submit articles for THE WOLF to:
Guidelines for WOLF Newsletter Submissions
- The Wolf generally goes out on Sundays, twice each month.
- The deadline for submission is the Thursday preceding the Wolf’s distribution, by end of day.
- All submissions need to include a brief summary of the event including pertinent times, dates and locations. Please also include flyers, links to websites and email addresses for the contact person. If an image is included make sure that it is a JPEG or png. For document links make sure it is a PDF.
- Submissions should be sent to Entries from PTSA Board/Activity Chairs should also be sent to, so that the VP of Communications can have a heads-up and can make sure that the submissions get in.
- The job of the editors is really only to copy and paste submissions into the Wolf Template and then enter the links to flyers or other websites. It is not their responsibility to write the text necessary for the Wolf.
Guidelines for West Mercer Communications Email Blasts
- Email "blasts" can be sent out on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Typically, we will only send 1-2 emails per week.
- Email submissions must be submitted 24 hours prior to send out date and time (Monday or Wednesday, 9am). Complete written copy and any links needed must be provided for email submissions.
- Typically email blasts will not be sent on The Wolf Newsletter weeks, but exceptions can be made.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Sunday, March 30
- Thursday, April 10
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24
- Friday, April 25